The best ways to structure a remote team

According to information published on the page.

Since the war in Ukraine started the world has faced a prolonged period of economic uncertainty. Many thought leaders argued that this turmoil would reverse the hybrid and remote working models that became mainstream during the pandemic. The logic being that senior business leaders were generally unconvinced that remote workers were as engaged and productive as their in office counterparts. Similarly, pressure to protect their positions would compel more people to return to the office to show face and directly engage with their managers. 

As it happened, there was no great remote working reversal. There are simply too many benefits for employers and employees alike. It is now pretty clear that this new way of working is here to stay. However, the speed of the transition, and the belief in some quarters that it was only temporary, means that many organizations have failed to fully optimize their remote working structures. The start of a new year provides a great opportunity to fully explore all the options available and determine what strategy will generate the greatest commercial benefit and quality of working life for your team.

Iffi Wahla

CEO and CO-founder of global HR recruitment platform Edge.

Hire global, think local


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